Prep Your Land for Construction

Arrange for excavation services in Mission or Kansas City, KS

Are you ready to break ground on your new construction home? KCS, LLC can help with our excavation services, available in MissionĀ and Kansas City, KS.

We know the right tools and techniques to use for small projects, like excavating for septic systems and driveways. You can also trust us to handle general site work, like land clearing and debris removal. Set up an appointment with our team today to get land clearing or excavation services.

Let us handle the heavy lifting

Let us handle the heavy lifting

You'll need a lot of heavy materials during the construction and landscaping process. Thankfully, that doesn't mean you need to spend your time hauling materials to the work site. You can trust our dump truck hauling company to transport:

  • Soil
  • Mulch
  • Aggregates

We can deliver materials within a 25-mile radius of Mission, KS. Get a free estimate for our dump truck hauling services today. Please note that there's a four-hour minimum.